
What is digital estate planning?

As technology continues to evolve, 当你无法再管理或去世时,了解你的在线账户会发生什么是至关重要的.

What happens to digital assets when you die?

So much of your life is digital now, 所以,当你不再能够管理所有的数字信息时,做好准备是很重要的. Whether through illness or death, if you don't prepare for your digital estate, 您的受益人或家人在尝试访问数字资产时可能会面临挑战. 这些挑战可能来自受保护的密码、法律或法规.

What are digital assets?

数字资产就是以电子方式存储的文件. 人们通常把他们的数字资产存储在电脑或移动设备上, 但它们也可以在线存储,因此可以通过许多不同的设备轻松访问.

Digital assets can include items such as:

  • Online banking accounts
  • Contact lists
  • Email accounts
  • Social media accounts
  • Photo storage/libraries
  • Digital music/movies/books
  • Cloud storage
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Travel accounts – air miles and hotel points

How do you create a digital estate plan?


即使你的一些数字资产没有任何货币价值, 把每件事都记录下来总是个好主意,以防万一. Be sure to include the usernames, 以及用于访问每个账户的密码,这样无论谁接管了你的数字资产的管理,都能轻松访问它们, 但用完后别忘了把它存放在安全的地方.

Assigning assets

Now that you've created your list, 下一步是决定谁有权使用你的资产. For some assets, such as online bank accounts, 指派一个有经济能力的人是个好主意. For other assets, such as digital photo collections, you may want to grant access to your family or friends. Even for the assets you simply want to delete, 把这些资产分配给别人也是个好主意,这样他们就能满足你的愿望,如果你不能删除这些在线资产的话.

Digital executor

指定一个数字遗嘱执行人将有助于确保你的数字资产按照你选择的方式处理. 重要的是要指定一个数字遗嘱执行人,并了解哪些资产可以传递 a will and those that are non-transferrable. 你可能想给遗嘱执行人留下具体的指示,说明你希望在你死后如何处理你的数字资产.

You can assign anyone to be your digital executor, 但律师或朋友可能会帮助减轻你家庭的负担. 在遗嘱中指定数字遗嘱执行人是个好主意,因为数字遗嘱执行人不具有法律约束力或可执行性.

Formalize it

Once, you've created your list, assigned all your assets and selected a digital executor, 你需要做的最后一件事就是使它成为具有法律约束力的文件. 你应该把你的数字遗产计划和你的遗嘱分开,以防陌生人知道你的用户名和密码. 此外,将它们分开将允许你根据需要经常更新你的列表. To formalize it, but still keep it separate, 你可以在遗嘱中记下来,或者作为遗嘱的附录. Your digital estate plan should be stored in a safe place, such as with an attorney, online storage platform or a secure file cabinet. Whatever you choose, 确保管理你的财产的人有关于如何得到你的计划的指导.

Is it legal to store a will digitally?

越来越多的州允许在线遗产规划和机器人顾问 Electronic Wills Act. 你应该查一下你所在州的遗产法律,看看以数字方式存储遗嘱是否合法. If you do decide to store your will digitally, 确保受信任的顾问知道该位置并有权访问它. You can learn more about different types of wills and trusts and learn how to write a will or estate plan.

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